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07/01/20 08:24 AM #1130    

Michael Burkett


As a POC who attended Lane and played sports wearing the personally offensive mascot I'm truly pleased there are discussions to remove it...good to know I went to school with such "enlightened" classmates.

Mike Burkett
Class of '76


07/02/20 07:18 AM #1131    


Peter Ingraffia

Thanks Ed for the info on the Illini mascot as well. And thanks Norm for the link to the petition. 

07/02/20 10:40 AM #1132    


Michelle Milkovic (Weiner)

As President of the Lane Tech Alumni Association, I have been called both a racist and disloyal this week... also libtard, dinosaur and a few others I won't mention.  I have had to handle a barrage of phone calls, emails, personal attacks, social media slander, and other harassment techniques... including nuisance complaints to the Illinois Attorney General. 

Our LTAA Board is composed of 20 alumni with opinions as diverse and passionate as everyone here, but we've adopted a neutral stance because

A) Politcal advocacy isn't part of our mission.  Member services and philanthropic efforts are and we do it better than any other high school assn in Chicago.  

B) We're autonomous. We don't influence school policy and the school doesn't tell us how to run our 501c3,

C) Petitions or no petitions, the symbol will be retired when Illinois HB483 is passed making any use of Native American imagery illegal unless a series of steps can be made including permission from a tribe within 50 miles of the school.  The Native American Center of Chicago has confirmed that the Lane Indian represents none of their more than 570 recognized tribes, and that they will not provide any such approval.

D) We believe that Lane tradition and culture goes deeper than what we wear on our baseball hats.  It's what we do that matters.

If I get one more email complaint from a non-member of the LTAA introducing themselves as a "fiercely loyal alum" , (young and old... for and against), who can't be bothered to join, doesn't attend events, has never donated to anything and has no intention to, I'm going to vomit.  We have more than 1100 names registered on this 1976 site.  Guess how many are members of the Alumni Association?  Seventy-one.  And of those, about a dozen truly active folks whose suport is fantastic, and whom I love despite our political differences, 

There are plenty of places to go for gnashing of teeth, rending of garments, and signing of petitions.  Let's make this a place where we can find reasons to be together rather than divided. This week the LTAA awarded $190,000+ in scholarships to Lane seniors. We're also installing a new marker in Memorial Garden to honor alumni who served and were killed in Vietnam.

Being exceptional, being a Lanite... that's what matters.


07/02/20 11:27 AM #1133    


Janet Peterson (Ingraffia)

Michelle, I love you! 

07/03/20 11:03 AM #1134    


Gregory R Znajda

As a life member,(still bugs you doesn't it Michelle,:-) ) I have only a wistful feeling about the change in mascot. In reality, it makes absolutely no difference what the stupid mascot is. The school was all about learning, inclusiveness and exploring the uncomfortable. Any alumni who complains (especially non LTAA members) probably was a poser in high school anyway. Get off your wounded high horse and bleed a little green and gold.

I'm voting for the Lane Tech ear worms!!!

07/03/20 12:24 PM #1135    


Terri (Therese) Bresnahan (Reid)

Thank you for all you do, Michelle! 

07/03/20 06:46 PM #1136    


John Simmers


I'm here to announce my intention to seek nomination for becoming the first-President of any yet-to-be-formed "President-of-the-Lane-Tech-Alumni-Association Fan Club"!!! [Well said are a blessing!]

All the Good... John


07/04/20 04:17 PM #1137    


Anne Chin (Lee)

Michelle, Thank You for all your do!  I am so very sad that you have been subjected to the personal attacks, harassment, and hate.   Although I am one of those that rarely post, I look forward to hopping onto this site whenever I receive notification that someone posted.   It always brings back sweet and sometimes tart memories of Lane. 

The posting about our Lane Tech Indian Warrior makes and continues to make me sad.  I told my brother (class of '75) and we are sad that our mascot has become part of the "knee jerk" reaction of the "Cancel Culture" instead of everyone embracing the “Dialogue Culture”.   Dialogue and discussion allow all of us to understand what our mascots and historical monuments represent and understanding that there is a story behind each (Thank you Ed McCarthy).   It’s a shame that there is no discussion just vandalism.  And to be clear, I am not saying that all statues or monuments remain but there must be discussion and dialogue leading to a resolution instead of what is happening today around the nation and world. 

For me, our Lane Tech mascot and all the murals that graced the walls of Lane bring back fond memories.  Thinking back to the days when I studied all the murals and admired the Lane Tech Warrior in our assembly hall, the history depicted (good and bad) showed me back then how far we as a nation had come.  It still gives me goosebumps.   I used to tell my sons and now repeat this to my grandkids…Learn and understand our Nation’s history so that we do not repeat the errors of the past.   Thank you Message Forum for getting my thoughts out.  

Happy Birthday, America!    Today we celebrate one of our most significant days of the year, a day to be grateful to be living in the “Land of the Free and Home of the Brave”.

AND AGAIN, THANK YOU, Michelle for all that you do! So proud to have attended Lane with you! 

07/04/20 05:26 PM #1138    


Maja Wiesinger (Ramirez)

I was one of the first gals on the LT soccer team - there were only about a dozen women's extracurricular teams in the 6-county area. But I never considered myself an Indian, and as you may recall, didn't appreciate being called out for pep rallies. I know, I know, the radical hippie chick who became a veteran cop, go figure!

That said, my daughter - now rising into UChicago - is also part Mexican and part Native American, has friends who are Black, Asian (NOT "Oriental," if you please),  She and I and many others would rather if the groups being represented can be the ones who weigh in and give their yea or nay as to which depiction of them is accurate - or allowable. I don't think anyone would want to allow around any team or group if their nickname was the N-word, or that old-school reprehensible term for Chinese. Native Americans don't call their teams "Redskins" (this to them is a slur) or "Whiteys" for that matter, and many of us would probably object to the latter, n'est-ce-pas? (And if we ever get to travel again, don't call Indigenous Australians "Aborigines," as that too is insensitive)

It appears Native Americans have always resented names they would not have chosen for themselves, whether (we think) those terms denigrated them overtly or not. They have often chosen not to say anything; whites were the dominant paradigm, after all. Because we may not have heard the people themselves before, may have chosen not to hear them, doesn't mean their complaints aren't valid. They don't want us to use the names, derogatory or otherwise. We should be big enough to say, We are sorry for using these terms which offended you -- we won't do it again.

We learn empathy. Our thinking evolves. We evolve, ideally for the better.

And Michelle -- that is so wrong that some have chosen to send you hate mail. I've received hate mail too, in other circumstances (I guess I should insert "obviously" here). You don't deserve that. You do a lot of great work, and I thank you.

Everyone please be safe and healthy. Follow the science -- keep your spit to yourself -- wear your masks!

07/06/20 03:49 AM #1139    


Frank Powers

Michelle, i'm so sorry you have had to put up with what you've described.  I have thoroughly enjoyed everything I've participated in regarding the Alumni association.  You are doing a great job.

All the best!

07/06/20 04:20 PM #1140    


Grace Tanaka (Danziger)

Michelle, I'm so sorry to hear about the hateful communications you've received. We all know the great person you are and the terrific (and often thankless) job you do as President of the Alumni Association! It doesn't surprise me that the worst offenders are those who aren't even members of the Alumni Association. I won't belabor the issue, as comments from Greg Z, Anne (hi Anne!) and Maja could not be improved upon by me. Once an LTHS warrior, always a warrior - leave it to those in specific cultural communities to opine on what is or is not objectionable to them. Love you, Michelle! and all my fellow 76'ers, agreeing to disagree on any subject as mature adults.

07/09/20 11:56 PM #1141    


Ken Ortiz

Hello all,

Been following the posts here for a while, but I haven't chimed in for a while. But now I have a chance to catch up. Saw the posts about Kiddieland. Since I was a child, we would visit my Aunt Lucky (who passed away last year) in Wheaton from time to time and our route would be essentially driving on North Avenue (Route 64) all the way from Rockwell street (in Chicago/Humboldt Park) to Bloomingdale Road. I remember many memorable landmarks/entities along that route from the 1960’s and since and Kiddieland was one of them. I have some fond memories of my times at Kiddieland and I would like to celebrate them with a song:

Kiddieland (sung to the tune of “Closing Time", by Semisonic)


Where I first played skee-ball when - I was just a kid 


The Little Dipper was the first - coaster I did


Riding on their choo-choo train - all around the park


It’s going in that tunnel and we're - screaming in the dark

Please let’s stay - I don't want to go home

Please let’s stay - I don’t want to go home

Please let’s stay - I don’t want to go home

Don’t go home


In terms of Lane Tech changing it’s name/logo, I can say that in my years there, that never mattered to me. What I took most from my 4 years at Lane and what I am so appreciative of is the incredible diversity we had at Lane. That gave me so much growth and ability to hang with and understand (and to try to keep an open mind to) people of all races, nationalities cultures, etc. then and now. Me being there enabled me to have the world at my fingertips and those experiences greatly helped me in my travels all over the USA (and helped me to hang out in many diverse areas there) and internationally. Look at our 1976 yearbook and all the pages there dedicated to clubs of interests, nationalities, cultures, etc. All the different passions we all had and were never discouraged from participating in. I will always be thankful for that. Bottom line is whether they change their name or not, it will not reduce the love and appreciation I have for our school.


Michelle, I am sorry that you had to deal with hate and abuse because you did not deserve that. I loved your rebuttal. 👍

07/10/20 02:41 AM #1142    


Edward Mc Carthy

OMG.  How disturbing that people can lash out like you have shared Michelle.  But sadly, that is a part of this thing we call the human condition.  In a normal distrubution of people, you will have the jerks and Nancy negatives.  ( sorry to my Nancy friends who share the name with the moniker )  these types will lash out because it is easier to do that then to be part of a civil productive conversation that affects change.  It is a shame this happens.  Life is full of azzholes.  The other end of the distribution is loaded with die hard enthusiasts who see the positive in all things and constructively participate in social movements and drive change by seeing all sides of an arguement.  This leaves the middle of the curve......these folks will follow the side who has the loudest voices or the most logical information.  As I read responses regarding the mascot, though I have made my personal feelings known, I reflect now on the comments of others and realize that there are compelling reasons to ditch the mascot, and, there are reasons to retain the proud imagery.  I now feel that the moniker of the chief/idian/native American did not truly define us Lanites.  It was the student body that defined us.  It was the diversity of the student body, the neighborhoods we hailed from, it was the graduation rate, the number of grads that went on to college or became masters of a trade or joined the military or simply became a productive member of society.  A mom, a dad, anyone in any profession.  Once we left that stadium on grsaduation day, we would always be proud Lanites of honor.  The mascot never truly defined us.  WE defined us.  And decades later, WE still define us.  Not the imagery of a person dressed in the regalia of native Americans.  In my heart, Lane will always be the Lane Tech Indians.  But in a world of changing and adapting political correctness and a world where we must recognize sensitivity regardless of our personal convictions or feelings, as a proud Lanite, I am willing to let go the mascots phyicality.  In my heart.....honoring the education which certainly preached compassion, tolerance and inclusiveness.......We will all always have a little bit of the mascot in us.  That they can not take away.  The class of '76 defines itself as individuals proud of who we were, who we are now and who we will be one day. Thanks Michelle for your dedication and effort.  You are appreciated.  All of us who paricipate here have reasons for doing so. This too defines us. In our diversity, there is unity and commonality.  We are more alike than we are different.

07/12/20 09:27 PM #1143    


Maja Wiesinger (Ramirez)


I like so much of this, I wonder if you touched it up a tad the Sun-Times or Trib would publish it -- or our own alumni newsletter!


07/13/20 10:26 AM #1144    


Edward Mc Carthy

Maja, post 1146 - Your kind comment was heartwarming and nice to read.  ( I feel all of us on this board are people of sensibility and kindness with strong beliefs on both sides of any issue )  Thank you Maja for taking the time to post that comment.  Anytime anyone goes public with thoughts or feelings, you run a risk of backlash or retailiation of sorts. ( Can I get an 'AMEN' Michelle? )  I maintain however that one of my Lane Tech take aways was always be proud of who you are and what you are.  Stand up and be heard.  But do so smartly.  I would happily wordsmith the post differently or polish it up for the news letter or even a submission to the Times.  Please reach out to me Maja via my email as I would love to get your thoughts and perspectives regarding how this can be made stronger/better.  If it needs to be turbo charged or tweaked, happy to do so.    Thank you again Maja and a big THANK YOU to all of you who continue the rich traditions, the passion and pride of our phenominal class of '76.  




07/30/20 09:54 PM #1145    


Michelle Milkovic (Weiner)

Thank you folks for your kind words, but I'm not looking for sympathy. I'm challenging you with a call to action. 

Ken... thank you for renewing your LTAA membership last week. 

Be like Ken. 

For the cost of one cup of coffee per month, you can invest in the best high school alumni association in the city. In fact, we were summoned by the CEO's office at CPS in January to learn how we do it, as they consider a city-wide alumni initiative, and were impressed with our programs and outcomes.

Go to and sign up for $25 bucks.  



07/31/20 10:55 AM #1146    


Edward Mc Carthy


Will do Michelle..........thanks for the push.


08/05/20 10:36 PM #1147    


Ken Ortiz

Hello all,

I hope you all are still hanging in there during these crazy times. Have we had times as wacky as these times?  Well, there was that crazy blizzard in 1979 that essentially cost "interim" mayor Bilandic his chance to continue to be mayor. If only he had those snowplows ready earlier.

So, I have realized that I have a new #1 pet peeve for 2020, and it just irks me big time. What is it? I have been able to get a chance to walk/bike around the area this summer and what do I see?? FRIGGIN MASKS being dumped/discarded on the street/sidewalk/grass all over.

REALLY??? COME ON NOW!!! Are people that piggish? Can't they find a trash can?

Anybody else agree or have any other pet peeves during these wacky times?

Also, I wrote a post awhile ago about "The Centipede" that really gave me some "Creepy" vibes. So, I was home a couple of months ago in my kitchen having my morning coffee and just pondering the day and then I notice a creepy creature slithering on my kitchen wall coming towards me. He stops right next to me and is just sitting there. So, I was able to get a picture of the little feller. 

Yikes! Was he the same centipede from my earlier centipede post? Was he coming by to show me some respect and props for being benevolent and not smooshing him? He did hang there until I took the picture, then he scurried off. Maybe I am ONE with the Centipede? KEWL BEANS!!

08/09/20 07:57 AM #1148    


Janet Peterson (Ingraffia)

Happy birthday Michelle! 

08/10/20 11:32 AM #1149    


Edward Mc Carthy

Ken- yourt post made me chuckle and laugh out loud.  May I suggest you call Orkin!  1-(800) GOT-BUGS.  

Michelle - your birthday?  Happy Day to you. 



08/10/20 01:14 PM #1150    


Maja Wiesinger (Ramirez)

Happy Day Michelle!

08/10/20 08:39 PM #1151    


John Kownacki

Happy Birthday

08/10/20 11:15 PM #1152    


Michelle Milkovic (Weiner)

Thanks so much for the birthday wishes folks,and thanks to those of you who have answered my last call to action. Bicentennials really are the BEST! 


08/11/20 02:51 PM #1153    


Anne Chin (Lee)

Happy Happy Birthday, Michelle :)


08/14/20 12:11 AM #1154    


Michelle Milkovic (Weiner)

Here's the cool memorial I referenced during my rant in #1135.  For those of you who don't have social media, the names of two Laneites KIA in Vietnam had been missing from a marker dedicated in 1983 in Memorial Garden.  We established a first-ever database of all alumni who served in Vietnam, and were able to design, fabricate and install a new black granite slab that corrected the omission.  We've had an outpouring of responses from 60s Laneites. Hearing from all these guys really screws your head back on,.. their stories and camaraderie... and determination to make sure all their brothers are acknowledged is a powerful lesson. Thanks to John Simmers and Bob Hashimoto for putting up with all my dumb questions and requests for help.  You are amazing.


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