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01/08/18 12:20 PM #580    


Robert Cole

For that kind of money we could all be alumni of Ingraffia Tech!
I'd bring back shops and drafting with my donation.

You know, I work with some research scientists and they lament the loss of vocational skills in college graduates.  They no longer know how to MAKE anything.  So much in research has never been done before and they have to figure out how to make the equipment they need, because it doesn't exist.  Today's graduates don't know how to build anything.

Not to mention that Lane (and a handy father) at least taught me the difference between a crosscut and a rip saw!  Comes in handy fixing stuff around the house.  You should have seen the swingset built in our backyard when the kids were little.  Best on the block, if just a little lopsided!!  Of course, all the time I spent grinding plane irons isn't much use anymore.  But, the last time I saw someone selling a California jobcase at a flea market I knew what it was!

01/08/18 01:58 PM #581    


John Todesco

OK Michelle, the ticket is bought and I'm brining both my Sox & Cubs hats.  Looking forward to the warm and fun.

01/08/18 07:22 PM #582    


Michelle Milkovic (Weiner)

Woo Hoo!  The cold finally got to you!  So happy you're joining us John. 

We have alums coming from WI, MN, IL, CA and of course AZ.

Bring on the sunshine!!!

01/09/18 01:17 PM #583    


Maja Wiesinger (Ramirez)

Robert Cole, you may be gratified/relieved to know some of us are teaching our daughters how to drywall, mud and paint interiors!

Next up: re-do the downstairs bathroom, current;y in a state of chaos!

And on NPR, they're interviewing a woman who owns a mechanics shop - maybe Pennsylvania - haven't heard any references to LTHS!


01/11/18 10:51 PM #584    


Ken Ortiz

Happy 2018 all! I hope you enjoy this story:

My mom was the youngest of 8 (10 if you include the 2 others my grandma took in and raised), and they were all raised in Chicago. But I was the first of all our family who went to Lane. I was also the only one of all my siblings and cousins who went to Lane. But I have several cousins whose children went to (or is presently at) Lane. (Would they be considered second cousins to me?) For example, one of my cousins has 2 daughters and they both went to Lane. One graduated in 2013 and the other will graduate in 2019. I got to see them this Christmas eve and I brought my 1976 yearbook for them to see. I also showed them a few of my wacky Lane stories I posted on our 1976 on-line forum. I even got to check out a Lane 2017 yearbook they had.
Anyway I am working on getting further details on those other family Lane alumni and hoping that they get the LTAA newsletters because they will see a relative of theirs that is involved and also the first one of their family that went to Lane. Unfortunately, they probably will not know that as they may not know my real name. If my cousins mentioned me to them, they will probably have used my family nickname, which was given to me before I was even born (that's a story in itself) and who everyone in my family calls me, even to this day. Who else here has a childhood/family nickname? I am not sure what the deal was with my family but they sure were into nicknames. The funny thing is that those cousins of mine that had children going to Lane also have nicknames. So, if I would tell another family member about them, I would have to say the following:
"Hey Aunt Lucky! Guess what? Some of Auntie Neeto's grandkids are Laneites! Yes indeed, just like me! Some of Kooque's, Rosie's and Teeta's kids are Laneites, but I am not sure if any of Tootie's, Peekee's or Palele's kids are Laneites.

01/12/18 09:52 AM #585    


Gregory Calvimontes

Maja, I made both my son and daughter learn basic skills in carpentry, electrical, drywall, etc. I also made them both work on their cars beyond just changing a tire or oil. As a matter of fact, my daughter is part of my pit crew for my endurance race car.

01/22/18 10:31 PM #586    


Michelle Milkovic (Weiner)

Hey what's up?!?  Hardly any Bicentennials have weighed in... and that's us, (Ms O'Day) in the picture with Mr. Lichtman! Represent on the LTAA FaceBook page...



01/26/18 11:54 AM #587    


Maja Wiesinger (Ramirez)

Michelle, am I overdue

to renew?

(LTAA that is...)

02/07/18 11:16 PM #588    


Michelle Milkovic (Weiner)

Hey Bicentennials... it's almost 2 years since we started this website... can you believe it?!?

A lot can happen in 2 years: retirement, relocation, name changes, email address changes (thanks Yahoo), and phone numbers.  It would be super helpful if we could all go into our profiles and update them by the end of February so we're all shiny and fresh.  That way when the next group of unsuspecting reunion committee victims... oops I mean members, start rounding everyone up for our next get together, our chances of reaching everybody will be so much better.  Thanks!

02/09/18 09:53 AM #589    


Robert Cole


I spent time teaching my son (or, at least trying) to be a little handy.  Coordination ok.  No patience.  Typical of kids nowadays.  When he was learning to drive he drove the car THROUGH the back wall of the garage and into the back yard!  After I had that fixed I made him help me paint the garage.   To him, that meant "paint for 15 minutes.  Shoot hoops for 30.  Paint for 10.  Shoot hoops for 40.  Take a lunch beak.  Rinse & repeat."  No career as a painter!  But, I did have him help me fix stuff.  When he graduated and got his own apartment I put together an "apartment toolkit" out of spare tools I had around.  When he eventually gets his own house I'll get him some more tools and a good DIY book.  That's how I learned.

I'm afraid handieness shrinks in each generation.  My dad was very good with tools.  I'm fairly handy.  My son gets along.

02/09/18 10:01 AM #590    


Robert Cole

Ok Bicentennials!

With the Olympics just beginning, who can tell me how many Olympians LTHS has?  And, how many medals?  I'll get the show started...

  • Johnny Weismuller... one of my favorite actors. 
    • Went to LTHS in the early 1920's.  One of the most accomplished swimmers of all time.
    • FIVE Golds and One Bronze in the 1924 and 1928 Olympics.
    • 52 US National Championships
    • 67 World Records in the free and back
    • Undefeated in amateur competition
    • First to break the 1 minute mark in the 100m free
    • First to break the 5 minute mark in the 440y free

Went on to play the DEFINITIVE Tarzan in 12 movies.  Then, another 13 movies as Jungle Jim.  Co-starred with Jane, Boy, and the LEGENDARY Cheetah!  At his funeral, as his casket was lowered into the ground, they palyed his famous Tarzan yell!

See... we do have more fame to claim than just Adrian Zmed and Rod Blagoavich!

02/09/18 10:07 AM #591    


Robert Cole

Print Shop alumni...

Go see the movie The Post.  Besides being an excellent flick, there are a lot of scenes of linotype operation, hand typesetting, headlines on the Ludlow, and composing (chases, lumber and quoins).  All the stuff no one has done in decades!  I had to explain it all to my wife!

02/09/18 08:56 PM #592    


Michelle Milkovic (Weiner)

Agree on "The Post" Bob... both from the print shop perspective and the female trailblazer vantage point.  Lots of bad 1971 fashion too, and in one spectacular court scene, the bailiff calls everyone to rise... the actor playing the bailiff is Rick Crom, Class of '75.  I almost fell out of my luxurious, faux leather recliner chair with cup holder!

02/09/18 10:34 PM #593    


Ken Ortiz

Rick Crom hosted one of our talent shows. The one where Debbie Bailey sang "Loving You" by Minnie Riperton and brought the house down. It was one of those "I was there to see it Live and not Memorex moments.

02/24/18 10:55 PM #594    


Michelle Milkovic (Weiner)

Should we have an epic-sized 60th Birthday Party?

02/25/18 02:01 PM #595    


John Todesco


Awesome idea!

02/25/18 05:14 PM #596    


Patricia Hodge (Hanes)

Great idea Michelle!

02/25/18 05:15 PM #597    


John Bliss

Rick Crom is the subject of a documentary, "Oh, Rick," that's making the festival circuit. His is a common story in showbiz -- he's been plugging away for 40 years, working regularly, and never broke through.


02/25/18 05:39 PM #598    


Michelle Milkovic (Weiner)

Blame the Bicentennials at the LTAA Spelling Bee.  It was their brilliant idea.  Let's do it!

02/25/18 09:38 PM #599    


Mark Bocianski

Great idea.  I just clebrated my 60th in NYC with my wife.  I woud love to share it with all of you. 

Let's do it!


02/25/18 09:55 PM #600    


Deborah "Debbie" Tono

Hey folks - besides turning the big 6-0 this year, it's also our year in the Chinese Lunar Calendar!!!! Gung hay fat choy! It's the Year of the Dog!  

A Dog’s most defining characteristic is their loyalty. They will never abandon their friends, family or work.

Honest and just, they are popular in social circles. Everyone needs a Dog friend for advice and help. They are also good at helping others find and fix their bad habits.

Despite how they act, they are worried and anxious inside. However, they will not let this stop them. Once they decide on something, no one can persuade them against it.

So does this sound like you? It certainly does me! Happy New Year - albeit belated. Am proud to be a Lane Alum!

FYI - I took the train from downtown Chicago to ORD as my meetings had ended & I had to catch my flight back to CO....a ton of kids hopped on at Addison with their Green & Gold jackets and it totally brought tears to my eyes! Even though I took the bus home, vs. the train, it still brought back tons of memories! How young they looked & how bright eyed and innocent they were! Gads - and we were once just like them!

Happy 60th bday y'all!!! Happy prosperous new year too!

02/25/18 10:47 PM #601    


Robert Cole

I'd try to attend!

It'd be great to get all us young folks together again!

02/26/18 05:34 AM #602    


Taina Lahdekorpi (Seaman)

What another great idea for our Lane family to get together again! My older brother, who lives in Colorado, is also an alum from the “boys only days”. If the timing works, he’d love to join in, too! 

02/26/18 09:54 AM #603    


Andrea M Adam

Well Michelle, sounds like you've had another awesome idea. Should we solicite the group for ideas? Dates?

And don't forget to have the local fire department on speed dial with all those candles.

02/26/18 04:23 PM #604    


Maja Wiesinger (Ramirez)

Update: my daughter turns 16 on the 6th and is signed up for driver's ed/range 2 days through - Lane Tech!

She says she'll paint but doesn't like to sand. And yet, las t night when I explained that her dad often works out (sometimes complex) house-fixing problems (only sometimes is it a house we own, more often not!) in his sleep, she allows as how "I wanna be like Daddy." So today I said "Put down your phone and just THINK about things!" But she's in charge of stage crew again at Walter Payton, has a bag full of borrowed-from-Mom-&-Dad hand tools and 2 pair gloves, says she is "well-respected" by the other students for her knowledge and work - so some things are going right.

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